What Can a Desktop Do That a Laptop Can’t?: Discover the unique advantages of desktop computers over laptops. Learn what a desktop can do that a laptop can’t, from better performance to larger storage capacity and more powerful hardware. Read on to make an informed decision about which type of computer is right for you.

In the world of computing, there is an ongoing debate about which is better: a desktop or a laptop. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the user to decide which one suits their needs best. While laptops are portable and convenient, desktops have their own set of unique features that make them a better choice for certain tasks. In this article, we will explore the advantages of desktop computers over laptops and what they can do that laptop can’t.


Desktop computers have been popular among professionals, gamers, and hobbyists for many years. They are superior to other options for specific uses due to their distinctive combination of qualities. This article will discuss the advantages of using a desktop computer over a laptop.


One of the biggest advantages of desktop computers over laptops is the level of customization that they offer. Desktops allow users to customize their hardware to suit their specific needs. They can add or remove components, upgrade parts, and build a system that is tailored to their requirements. Laptops, on the other hand, have limited upgrade options and are not as customizable as desktops.


It’s also easier to upgrade a desktop computer than a laptop. Users may more easily add or upgrade components like RAM, storage, graphics cards, and processors, and there is a greater opportunity for growth. This means that desktop computers can have their systems updated easily to meet the demands of modern hardware and applications. However, there are fewer upgrade paths for laptops, and some parts can’t be changed at all.

Better Performance

In most cases, the performance of a desktop computer will be superior to that of a laptop. This is because hardware components like graphics cards and processors on desktops are often larger and more powerful. Because of their superior cooling systems, they can maintain faster speeds for longer durations of time. However, laptops have to strike a balance between performance and mobility, and battery life, which might reduce performance.

Multiple Monitors

Multiple displays, which desktop computers can accommodate, are a great boon to multitasking and productivity. The reason for this is that modern desktop computers typically have more than one video output, allowing for the usage of multiple displays. However, laptops typically only have one video output, so customers who want to use numerous monitors will need to invest in extra hardware.


The ergonomics of desktop computers are superior to those of laptops. The larger screen and keyboard of a desktop computer can make working on it less taxing on the eyes and the fingers. There is a wider variety of height- and tilt-adjustable stands and mounts for these computers. On the other hand, laptops are not always ergonomically optimized because of their portable nature.

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The cost of a desktop computer is typically lower than that of a laptop. This is because desktops don’t have as many unique hardware requirements throughout production. In addition to being more durable and upgradable than portables, desktops can last for years before needing to be replaced. However, laptops cost more and wear out faster than desktop computers.

Larger Storage Capacity

As an added bonus, desktop PCs can store far more data than portable devices. This is because desktop computers are designed to house and sustain a greater number of hard drives than laptops. The capacity of a desktop computer can be increased with the use of external storage devices like NAS (Network Attached Storage) systems. Because of this, desktop computers are preferable for people who regularly work with huge files and media.

Better Cooling System

Desktop computers, in comparison to laptops, typically have superior cooling systems, allowing them to operate at faster speeds for longer periods of time without overheating. This is because heat can be dissipated more efficiently from desktops due to the larger amount of space available for fans and heatsinks compared to laptops. Overheating can shorten the life of a system and harm its components.

More Powerful Hardware

The hardware in a desktop computer can be upgraded to be more powerful than that of a laptop. This is due to the fact that desktop PCs often have more room for bulkier and more powerful components like graphics cards, CPUs, and power supplies. Because of this, desktop computers can now handle more intensive activities like video editing, gaming, and 3D rendering. On the other hand, laptops must trade off power with portability and battery life due to hardware constraints.

Power Consumption

Desktop computers generally consume more power than laptops. This is because desktops have larger and more powerful hardware components that require more power to run. This can result in higher electricity bills and may not be suitable for users who are concerned about energy consumption.


Users who need to be mobile in their profession should choose for a laptop because of its portability. Laptop computers are convenient for students, business travelers, and people working from home because of their portability and low weight. In contrast, desktops are built for permanence and are not portable.

Battery Life

The battery life of laptops is superior to that of desktop computers. This is because laptops are portable and have long-lasting batteries that allow them to be utilized even while away from an outlet. In contrast, desktop computers can’t run on battery power alone and must be plugged in at all times.

UpgradabilityHighly upgradableLimited upgradability
PortabilityNot portablePortable
Cooling SystemBetter cooling systemLess efficient cooling system
Power ConsumptionConsumes more powerConsumes less power
Battery LifeDoes not have a built-in batteryHas built-in battery
HardwareDoes not have a built-in batteryLimited by compact design
CostMore affordableMore expensive
StorageLarger storage capacityLimited storage capacity
ErgonomicsBetter ergonomicsLess comfortable for extended use
What Can a Desktop Do That a Laptop Can’t?


In conclusion, desktop computers offer a number of advantages over portable computers that make them more practical in some situations. Desktops are superior to laptops in several ways, including upgradeability, speed, storage space, thermal management, and raw processing power. They’re easier on the wallet and the body, too. Laptop computers, on the other hand, are preferable for mobile workers due to their greater portability and longer battery life.


Can a laptop be as powerful as a desktop?

While laptops can be powerful, they are limited by their compact design and require more compromises in performance, cooling, and upgradeability than desktops.

Can I add more RAM to my laptop?

It depends on the specific laptop model. Some laptops have user-upgradable RAM, while others have soldered RAM that cannot be upgraded.

Can I use multiple monitors with a laptop?

Yes, you can use multiple monitors with a laptop, but it may require additional hardware such as a docking station or a USB video adapter.

Are desktops better for gaming than laptops?

Desktops are generally better for gaming than laptops due to their better cooling systems, more powerful hardware, and larger screens.

Can I use a desktop computer for video editing?

Yes, desktop computers are a better choice for video editing due to their better performance, larger storage capacity, and support for more powerful hardware components.